
Nutritional Analysis of Musa Acuminata

Gowri Shankar, Jeevitha P and Shadeesh L

Musa acuminata also known as red banana is a type of banana which is cultivated mostly in the south East Asia. About 6.4 billion pounds of people consume banana every year and the production of banana is about 145 million tons by 2011. The peels of this banana form about 18-33% of the whole fruit and go as waste and are not used for any other purpose other than for feedstock. With a view to exploiting banana peel as a source of valuable product musa acuminate peel’s nutritive properties are analyzed. In this project the nutrient contents of the peel has been analyzed in the form of dried powdered. The estimation such as carbohydrates, protein, fat, minerals and fibre using various chemical methods and also with soxhlet apparatus for fiber has been found. The major use of banana is as a flavor, by using these values we can design several products with this peel as a major ingredient. The end users are common people like us and this will help in providing them nutrition in natural way. This will also reduce the amount of waste that is produced by this fruit and it also helps in producing healthy foods from wastes.