Shaik Kareem B
Searching is a process of finding whether a key element belongs to search space or not. The proposed Matrix Search Algorithm using Binary Search Trees takes unsorted matrix of order mxn and key element to be searched as input, constructs two Binary Search Trees BST1 of lower triangular matrix including diagonal elements and BST2 of upper triangular matrix excluding diagonal elements of input matrix. Key element is searched in BST1, if a found return true otherwise key element is searched in BST2, if found returns true otherwise returns False. I followed the various stages of Software Development Life Cycle to demonstrate the proposed searching algorithm. In Section I, proposed algorithm is introduced. In section II, proposed algorithm is Analyzed and Designed. In section III, proposed algorithm is Implemented using C programming Language. In section IV, I tested the implementation of proposed algorithm using different test cases. In section V, I concluded the proposed algorithm.