
Title: Experiences and views of the pregnant women regarding the Basic Antenatal Care approach to health care services provision in eThekwini district, KwaZulu-Natal

Ngxongo Thembelihle Sylvia Patience*, Sibiya Maureen Nokuthula and Gwele Nomthandazo Sylvia

Purpose: The purpose of the study was to describe the experiences and views of the pregnant women regarding the antenatal care services received in the Primary Health Care clinics that were implementing the Basic Antenatal Care (BANC) approach. The BANC approach is listed as one of the priority interventions for reducing maternal and child mortality in South Africa and is used in the public health institutions to provide health care services to the pregnant women. Methods: A descriptive qualitative design was used to conduct the study in the 12 primary health care clinics that were providing antenatal care services and implementing the BANC approach in eThekwini district, KwaZulu-Natal The study took place seven years following the introduction of the BANC approach. Data were collected using semistructured interviews conducted with 54 pregnant women from October 2014 to March 2015. Data were analysed using Tesch’s method of data analysis. Findings: Although some participants highlighted how the BANC approach had brought about improvement in the quality of care, other participants were concerned regarding the waiting times, the intervals between antenatal care visits, integration of antenatal care with other primary health care services, limited space at the clinics and attitudes and performance of clinic staff. Conclusion: In the current study, the participants shared their experiences and views regarding the antenatal care services that were provided using the BANC approach. Most of the situations that the participants had encountered and their views regarding Antenatal care services highlighted specific areas of the BANC approach that needed attention. Guided by this, the researchers were able to provide the recommendations from the study that would assist to improve implementation of the BANC approach. These included special emphasis on compliance to service delivery guidelines and protocols by antenatal health care providers, availability of the clinic staff members who had been trained and oriented towards the implementation of the BANC approach, integration of services and reviewing human and material resources for adequacy when new programs are introduced.