
The Performance Measurement of the Quality Health Care: Standpoint Perspectives the staff practicing in the Primary Health Care Establishments in Morocco.

 Zaadoud B

Object. The subject of our research concerns the measurement of the performance in Primary Health Care Facilities ‘PHCF’. Our objective is how to evaluate the performance of quality approaches on the ‘PHCF’ actor perception. Method. The data collection was made through a questionnaire for the staff who exercises in the ESSP. This questionnaire contains three parts adapted according to the model of Donabedian (Structure, processes and results), understanding seven domains. The first part concerns the Structure dedicated to the Quality Planning, the Leadership and the Human Resources Management. The second part concerns the processes dedicated to the Process Management, the Monitoring and the Analysis. The third part handles the Results of the quality and the user’s satisfaction. Result. We note significant differences in the perception of the quality of the care of the health workers general. The steps of ACQ remain a good tool to improve the quality of the care. The satisfaction of the population remains high with a performance of (74 %), the steps of ACQ are effective tools of the organizational change, the impact on the change of professional practices for our case (68 %) have this image, which varies, enters average and low on the CQ. Continuity and integration of the care are assured only in 34 % of the cases.