
Serum total testosterone measurement using Point of Care Test (POCT) i-CHROMAâ�?¢ Testosterone method in healthy male volunteers

J Bolodeoku*, S Pinkney, V Chand, C Anyaeche, TK Kim and F Chinegwundoh

ABSTRACT The estimation of testosterone levels in the blood is an important part of urological practice. Recently, the point of care i-CHROMA™ testosterone method was found to correlate well with traditional laboratory methods. In this study, the i-CHROMA™ testosterone method was used to estimate testosterone levels in 91 healthy male volunteers with no current disease. The testosterone levels in the 91 healthy male volunteers ranged between 1.155 ng/mL – 9.485 ng/mL, with a mean of 4.25 ng/mL. The serum testosterone levels did not vary significantly between the age ranges. The average testosterone levels for the age ranges 41 – 50 years, 51 – 60 years, 61 – 70 years and 71 – 80 years, were 4.05 ng/mL, 3.92 ng/mL, 4.25 ng/mL and 4.21 ng/mL, respectively. The total testosterone range data generated on a healthy male population using the i-CHROMA™ testosterone method was consistent with the reference range on the product leaflet of 2 – 8 ng/mL and the recognised testosterone levels expected in the age group of the volunteers.