
Immunopreventable Diseases Differences between Genders in Brazil

Élide Sbardellotto M da Costa1*, Adriano Hyeda2, Eliane MCP Maluf3

Immunopreventable diseases are a public health reality in Brazil and worldwide. The international literature defined that there is difference between sexes at the answer to the infectious diseases.

Objective: To discriminate the hospitalizations associated with immune preventable diseases in Brazil and their care costs, within the scope of the SUS, between 2008 and 2018, differentiating the data by gender.

Methods: A population, observational, descriptive, retrospective study was conducted with secondary information from DATASUS.

Results: A total of 457,479 hospitalizations were evaluated, totaling a direct cost of R$389,243,264.85, 53.17% in males and 46.83% in the female group (p-value 0.036). The trend analysis showed 6 diseases in decreasing situation (with statistical significance) and 4 in stationary tendency in the number of hospitalizations in the analyzed period. The direct costs of these hospitalizations were predominantly stationary for both sexes.

Conclusion: The number of hospitalizations varied during the period analyzed, however the care costs of Immunopreventable diseases hospitalizations remained high, regardless of gender.