
Every Breath Counts: Halt the rise of COPD, Prevention of COPD in Poland

 Cudzik K

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) is one of the most common chronic illnesses and very important social problem. It is the third leading cause of death among chronic diseases worldwide causing 3,1mln deaths a year globally. About 250mln patients suffer from COPD all over the world. In Poland statistics stay that about 2mln people are diagnosed with COPD and it is 10% of screened population after 40 years old. On the other hand, it is estimated that the disease is diagnosed at an early stage in less than 20% of patients, and this is the reason why a significant population of patients is not diagnosed or diagnosed only in the advanced stage of the disease. Regarding prevalence, direct costs of treatment COPD in Poland are very high and estimated about 441,8mln PLN per year and include pharmacotherapy (297,1 mln PLN), general care and specialist appointments (31,6 mln PLN), hospitalization (96,1 mln PLN), rehabilitation (6,3 mln PLN), home oxygen therapy (6,3 mln PLN), nursing care (4,4 mln PLN). An important element in prevention is early smoking cessation, reduction of exposure to harmful factors and influenza vaccination. Limiting these factors is beneficial to the patient's health and reduces the risk of exacerbations. Patients should pay attention to normal body weight and a healthy diet. Early diagnosis of COPD is also very important. Emotional support and a psychological support are particularly important in patients with advanced COPD. Depression significantly increases the risk of exacerbations and affects the quality of life of patients. Systematic use of drugs and respiratory rehabilitation increases respiratory efficiency. Prevention of this disease is most important to reduce still growing prevalence and costs.   A significant component in avoidance is early smoking end, decrease of presentation to hurtful elements and flu immunization. Restricting these elements is gainful to the patient's wellbeing and lessens the danger of intensifications. Patients should focus on ordinary body weight and a solid eating routine. Early conclusion of COPD is likewise significant. Enthusiastic help and a mental help are especially significant in patients with cutting edge COPD. Melancholy fundamentally builds the danger of intensifications and influences the personal satisfaction of patients. Precise utilization of medications and respiratory recovery increments respiratory productivity. Counteraction of this illness is generally essential to decrease despite everything developing predominance and expenses. Chronic obstructive aspiratory illness (COPD) is one of the most widely recognized interminable non-irresistible infections, the prognosed rate of which is going to methodicallly increment during the coming years. Current projections show that COPD will turn into the third most regular reason for death in 2020 when contrasted with 6th spot in the insights from 1990, if late epidemiological patterns stay unaltered overall. These patterns incorporate diminishing mortality because of cardiovascular and irresistible sicknesses, expanding smoking propensity just as advancing natural contamination, particularly in immature nations. Segment angle is likewise of significance, with expanding human life span and consequently developing measure of matured subjects inclined to creating COPD. Pervasiveness of COPD changes in various examinations, contingent upon philosophy, lower age cutoff of the contemplated populaces and agent character of the specific considered gatherings. The accepted predominance of COPD in people more than 40 years old, as affirmed by spirometric test, is 8.9%. No epidemiological investigations in bunches agent for everyone have been proceeded up 'til now in Poland. Two as of late distributed little Polish investigations yielded conflicting outcomes. One examination discovered indications of COPD in 9.3% subjects of over 40 years old, though the other investigation discovered COPD in the same number of as 26% of the dissected populace. The ailment influences all the more generally men, with male: female proportion of 2:1. In any case, this distinction is as of now vanishing, as smoking propensity turns out to be similarly boundless in both genders. Constant obstructive aspiratory malady is right now the most widely recognized lung infection in Poland, and the fourth most basic reason for death after cardiovascular sickness, threat and surprising unexpected demise