
Book Review 'Biografi Perjuangan Politik Dato' Onn Ja'afar' (Malay Version)

Uqbah Iqbal

Written by Shaharom Husain, this biography book aims to record as accurately as possible the experience and behavior of Dato' Onn in the struggle to liberate his country from British colonial rule without deify leader. It is undeniable that there has been many books written about Dato Onn' but most of them have a specific purpose and a desire to protect the interests of certain parties. This is very significant, especially when the books were written by authors from the West. There is incomplete and some are misleading. A period of twelve years to research and write this book is a testament to the seriousness of the author presents smoothly Dato' Onn’s life. In addition to making detailed references, the author has reviewed and examined all the information obtained and was confirmed by Dato' Onn relatives and the people who were involved in the struggle