
Automated Irrigation System In Agriculture Using Wireless Sensor Technology

Karthikeswari M, Mithradevi P

Agriculture plays the major role in economics and survival of people in India. Nowadays Indian agriculture faces a two major problem. They are as follows we know government has promoted a free supply of electricity for farmers to run their motors and pumps for irrigation purpose. But it is found that the farmers misusing the electricity to run their home appliances such as radio, TV, fans, etc. This misuse of electricity has brought a considerable problem for government to supply free electricity. The main aim of this project is to design low cost Automated Irrigation System using a Wireless Sensor Network and GPRS Module. The Purpose of this project is to provide embedded based system for irrigation to reduce the manual monitoring of the field and get the information in the form of GPRS. This proposed system recognizes whether the free electricity has been used other than electric motors for pumping water and if so electricity is being misused, it shuts the total supply for the farmers through a tripping circuit. By using wireless networks we can intimate the electricity board about these mal practices. The development of this project at experimental scale within rural areas is presented and the implementation was to demonstrate that the automatic irrigation can be used to reduce water use.