
Analysing the Flame and Fire Characteristics Using Auto Adaptive Edge Detection

Ganga M S, Anitha G

Edge detection process is used in image processing applications to obtain the information from images. Edges are significant local changes of intensity in an image. The determination of flame or fire edge is the process of identifying a boundary between the area where there is thermo chemical reaction and those without. Basically it is image based flame monitoring technique which is necessary for early fire detection, fire evaluation and the determination of flame and fire parameter. Conventional edge detection methods are tested to identify the flame edges. But the flame edges are not clearly defined. It is very difficult to detect the coarse and superfluous edges in fire and flame images. This paper proposes new edge detection algorithm called auto adaptive edge detection algorithm which is used to find the edges clearly and continuously. In this paper shows the effectiveness of the proposed edge detection algorithm and more robust to find the edges

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